Thursday, February 16, 2012

Aspergers Syndrome Symptoms 101

Asperger's is a disorder on the autism spectrum, and one of many pervasive development disorders.  Asperger's is close to full on autism, however most people with this disorder are able to function better in society.  Asperger's syndrome symptoms usually display in a few different ways.  Here are some (by no means all) of the typical Aspergers symptoms displayed.

1. Struggles in the area of social skills.   Children with Asperger's Syndrome have difficulties in social interaction with others.  They don't pick up on the social ques, that the rest of us instinctively do.  They may have problems dealing with such things as sarcasm, flirting, or euphemisms.  This can lead to social awkwardness. Children with Asperger's may have trouble forming friendships due to this.  Often times children with Asperger's syndrome will often choose to play with children that are younger than they are.  The child with Asperger's will find they get to be the leader of the younger kids.  They get to control things.  The younger children often don't notice  the social awkwardness either.

2. Communication issues.  This goes right along with the social issues.  This Asperger's symptom is displayed by a failure to comprehend things such as nonverbal communication.  They may constantly have a flat or robotic affect.  What they are saying may not match up with the expression on their face.  Eye contact may be difficult for a child with Asperger's.  You also may find that they tend to talk at you, not to you.

3. Mechanical Difficulties.  This Asperger's symptom refers to the actual mechanics of their body. They may seem clumsy or accident prone.  This may be hard to detect depending on how old your child is.  Kids are clumsy, but children with Asperger's syndrome would be more pronounced.  They would just seem awkward with their own body.

4.  Narrow Scope of  Preoccupation.  Children with Asperger's will often have serious and intense interests.  The interests will be only about a few topics.  They will be obsessive about this subject.  I have found a lot of times it involves a large force of some sort.  Weather, trains, and dinosaurs to name a few.  You will be able to discern this Asperger's symptom from that of  normal childhood interest, by the scope.  Often times children with Asperger's can tell you every piece of information you ever wanted to know on a given subject.  If you bring up the subject, it will be as though you opened a flood gate.  The child with Asperger's will almost verbally assault you with knowledge on the subject.  It may seem that once they get started, they can't stop until they have told you everything.

These are just a few of the many Asperger's syndrome symptoms.  More information and help with this subject can be found in Dave Angel's program The Parenting Asperger's Resource Guide.  There is a lot of help to be found there.

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